易汇率(Easy Currency Converter)

易汇率(Easy Currency Converter)

248人安装 | 2252总点击

世界货币(180+)居住汇率的最爱脱机模式图等 Easy Currency Converter: - 180+ world currencies and 4

世界货币(180+)居住汇率的最爱脱机模式图等 Easy Currency Converter: - 180+ world currencies and 4 metals - Live rates (various update intervals) - Ad-free - Personal currency list – just pick the currencies you need - Offline mode (absolutely no traffic) - Converts up to 12 currencies simultaneously - Currency graphs (1 day - 5 years) - Search function to quickly add a new currency - Precision: set the number of decimal places (0-5) - Country flags for all currencies (no download) - App2SD - Live rates & graphs provided by Yahoo.com NOTE: You can add/remove currencies by clicking one of the two currency buttons (top region of the screen). A window will pop up where you can find the "Show All" button. TIPS: Use Offline Mode to avoid roaming costs while abroad (only necessary if you have activated "Roaming" in your phone settings). After adding a new currency (via "Show All") an update is required to get the actual rates.
New currency: SDR - Special Drawing Rights New translations: Norwegian & Persian Updated translations: Japanese & Korean Thanks to all translators!
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更新:2015-09-28 15:54:40




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