野兽湾(Beastie Bay)

野兽湾(Beastie Bay)

12909人安装 | 14912总点击

Washed ashore a desolate island and surrounded by savage beasts, can you thrive.

Washed ashore a desolate island and surrounded by savage beasts, can you thrive...or merely survive? Blaze trails into unknown territory...and then make it your own! Plant crops, build housing and power sources, and transform the island into your own personal paradise. As you progress, you'll be able to develop new gear and technology to take your adventure to the next level, including ways to travel to unexplored islands nearby! The native fauna eyeing you as their next meal? Capture the critters, trade them with friends, and train them to fight for you! Most have elemental strengths and weaknesses, so use these to your advantage in battle. Venture far enough afield and you may find signs of civilization. If you make the right friends, your humble isle could grow into an economic powerhouse, complete with hot springs, hotels, and heliport. The possibilities are as limitless as the horizon! Survival of the fittest was never so fun! You call the shots as you develop your primitive isle into a luxurious slice of paradise! * Game data is stored on your device. Save data cannot be transferred between devices, nor can it be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app. * Certain features (e.g., removing ads) require in-app purchases and become available once you reach a certain point in the game. -- Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games. 洗一个荒凉的小岛上,周围环绕着野蛮的野兽,你可以茁壮成长......或者仅仅是生存吗? 进入未知的领域开拓道路,然后使你自己!种庄稼,建造住房和电源,并转换到您自己的个人天堂岛。你的进步,你就可以开发新的齿轮和技术,将您的冒险到一个新的水平,包括前往未开发的岛屿附近! 本地动物盯上了你作为他们的下一顿饭?捕捉小动物,与朋友交易,并训练他们为你而战!大部分的元素的长处和短处,所以在战斗中使用这些,你的优势。 冒险远远不够的更远,你会发现文明的迹象。如果你做出了正确的朋友,您的不起眼的小岛,发展成为一个经济强国,完成温泉,酒店,直升机场。的可能性是无限的地平线上! 优胜劣汰是从来没有这么好玩!您做主,为您开发您的原始小岛片成一个豪​​华的天堂! *游戏数据存储在设备上。保存数据的设备之间传输,删除或重新安装应用程序后也不能恢复。 *某些功能(例如,删除广告)需要在应用程序内购买,可一旦你在游​​戏中达到一定的点。 - 尝试搜索“Kairosoft”看到我们所有的游戏。
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更新:2015-06-13 02:58:50




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