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New characters, new weapons, new achievement system. Everything is brand NEW!!!

New characters, new weapons, new achievement system. Everything is brand NEW!!! We've heard your voice and the 2.0 version is finally here. It will definitely blow your - or zombies' - mind. Join Luke, SeaNanners, Syndicate, iHasCupQuake, and TmarTn on this new journey! 2.2 Updates: - Fix for weapon upgrade bugs - Fix for badge rank up bugs 2.0 Updates: - 2 New Characters: TmarTn & Cupquake - Achievements: Level Up Your Rank, Unlock Accessories and Weapons by Completing Objectives - All Characters Have Specific Advantages - 3 New Weapons: El Laser, Noob Tube, Yotslazer - Weapons Are Now Upgradable - 6 New Accessories For Head, Torso, and Legs - Major & Minor Bug Fixes - New HUD Meter Showing Zombie Multiplier Previous Updates: 1.2 - Addition of the Weapons Locker: You now have the ability to choose from an arsenal of weapons that will be constantly updated! - New Weapons: Choose from 1 of 3 new weapons including: - "The Closer" A long distance sniper rifle. - "The Viper" A powerful crossbow that penetrates 3 zombies at a time. - "The Shelby" A triple barrled shotgun and destroys zombies in 3 lanes at a time. - Addition of a new map and new zombie types! - Silhouetted Character (See if you can guess who's coming next) - Main menu UI updates - Various Bug Fixes - Critical Performance Fixes - Improved Stability - Improved GUI - Mount Improvements - Shop Fixes 1.1 - Addition of the Coin Multiplier (Ability to purchase 2X multiplier to double your coins per run!) - Addition of the Zombie Multiplier (Kill more zombies, multiply your score!) - Addition of Item Directory in Shop (Don't know what everything is, look it up in the directory!) 新的角色,新的武器,新的成就系统。一切都是崭新的! 我们已经听到你的声音,2.0版本终于来了。这肯定会打击你 - 或僵尸“ - 心灵。加入卢克,SeaNanners,辛迪加,iHasCupQuake和TmarTn在这个新的征程! 2.2更新: - 修正了武器升级的bug - 修正了徽章等级最高的bug 2.0更新: - 2新特点:TmarTn&Cupquake - 成就:水平向上您的排名,解锁配件和武器完成目标 - 所有的字符具有特定优势 - 3新武器:萨尔瓦多激光,新手上路管,Yotslazer - 武器现在可升级 - 6新配件为头部,躯干和腿 - 主要和次要错误修正 - 新的HUD仪表显示僵尸乘数 以前的更新: 1.2 - 增加了武器储物柜:现在,您可以从武器库,将不断更新选择的能力! - 新的武器:选择1 3新武器,其中包括: - “罪案终结”一个远距离的狙击步枪。 - “大毒蛇”一个强大的弩穿透3僵尸的时间。 - “谢尔比”三重barrled猎枪,并破坏了3条车道僵尸的时间。 - 增加了新的地图,新的僵尸类型! - 人物剪影(看看你能猜出谁是未来下一个) - 主菜单界面更新 - 修复了各种错误 - 关键性能修正 - 提高稳定性 - 改进的图形用户界面 - 安装改进 - 修复铺 1.1 - (!有能力购买2X倍频为每次运行你的金币加倍)加币乘数 - 增加了僵尸乘数(杀死更多的僵尸,乘以你的分数!) - 增加在店项目目录的(不知道是什么的一切,你可以看看它的目录!)
2.2 Updates: - Fix for weapon upgrade bugs - Fix for badge rank up bugs
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更新:2016-02-07 12:05:57



标签:杀手 亡灵杀手



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