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Check out new features - OBJECTIVES! Discover brand new gameplay quality. Comp

Check out new features - OBJECTIVES! Discover brand new gameplay quality. Complete compelling objectives and enjoy your extra awards. Run Like Hell! can be a helluva lot of fun in winter! After leaving that dreadful island, full of cannibals and unfriendly locals, our brave archeologist went to Himalayas searching for an ancient artifact. Close to the Mount Everest, being in artifact's cave, his senses told him he's being watched. Large, white, vicious, breath smelling and loudly roaring creature came out of nowhere. 'Not again' - was his last thought. It's time to RUN LIKE HELL! again. RUN LIKE HELL! YETI EDITION is a new seasonal winter edition of a great paced run-and-jump platformer. • Jump, slide and be precise to perfectly outrun the vicious Yeti • Avoid all obstacles which slow you down • Send fog or thunderbolts to slow your 'hunter' down • Watch your adrenaline level and use it to run faster • NEW! Objectives - fulfill objectives and discover brand new gameplay quality • NEW! Second Chance - you can run even further after taking the second chance • Game is absolutely FREE!!! RUN LIKE HELL! YETI EDITION includes: • Three game modes: Endless, Timetrial and Avalanche • Cool powerups to help outrun the Yeti • Colorful vibrant graphics and smooth animation • Simple and fun game mechanics • Hours of addictive gameplay! XPERIA PLAY optimized! 检查出新的特点 - 目标! 探索全新的游戏质量。完成令人信服的目标,并享受额外奖励。 运行像地狱!可以是一个宏大的很多乐趣在冬季! 在离开那个可怕的岛屿,充满了食人族和不友好的当地人,我们勇敢的考古学家去喜马拉雅山寻找上古神器。靠近珠穆朗玛峰,在神器的洞穴,他的感觉告诉他,他正在观看。大,白色,恶性,呼吸气味和大声吼叫的生物从哪儿冒出来。 '不' - 是他的最后一个念头。这是运行像地狱!再次。 运行像地狱!雪人版是一个新的一个伟大的节奏跑和跳一些成熟的季节冬季版。 •跳跃,滑动和精确到完美逃脱恶性雪人 •避免所有的障碍,你慢下来 •发送雾或雷电慢下来你的'猎人' •关注你的肾上腺素水平,并用它来运行速度更快 •新!目标 - 实现目标和发现全新的游戏质量 •新!第二次机会 - 你甚至可以运行后进一步采取的第二次机会 •游戏是完全免费的! 运行像地狱! YETI EDITION包括: •三种游戏模式:无尽的Timetrial和雪崩 •酷通电,以帮助逃脱雪人 •丰富多彩的充满活力的图形和流畅的动画效果 •简单而有趣的游戏机制 •上瘾的游戏时间! XPERIA PLAY优化!
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更新:2015-11-30 05:04:12



标签:雪人兄弟 暴走 雪人 地狱



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